Registration for the Spring 2024 Board Leadership Series is NOW OPEN.
~Note: This form is for organizations enrolled in the ARPA Grant Program~
Each nonprofit’s commitment is to send board members and executives to this series of sessions held virtually via Zoom. We understand the importance of flexibility, which is why we offer two different sessions to accommodate participants’ schedules. You can choose to join us on Tuesday for the first presentation or attend the Wednesday session for a second chance to hear the same valuable information. All sessions will be held virtually from March 5 to June 12, starting at 12 p.m. and ending at 1:30p.m.
You are encouraged to send three or more members. Minimally, the ARPA Grant Program requires at least one member (the same member) from each organization attend 80% (or 7) of the eight sessions. There is no fee for organizations enrolled in the ARPA Grant program that have not yet completed the Board Leadership Series.